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 Price List For Heartland Stable

​Full price listing for all services offered at Heartland Stables including all extra things we at Heartland do for your horses.

Basic Oudoor Boarding

. $200 dollars a month includes

. Fresh water all day

. 3 hay feedings daily

. Access to salt blocks and mineral licks

. Max 3 nights inside a month

. - $25  multiple horse discount

. Blanketing

. Daily health check

. Scheduling of vet and farrier not holding

. Hst- 33.75

Outdoor boarding + Grain

Indoor Boarding Includes Grain

​​. $250 dollars a month includes

. Grain 2x daily, we feed hunter pellets any other grain will have to be supplied by owner

. Access to mineral licks and salt blocks

. Fresh water

. Hay 3 times a day plus grain

. Max 3 nights in a month

​. $50 multiple horse discount

. Blanketing

. Daily health check

. Scheduling of vet and farrier not holding of

. Hst $41.25

​$450 dollars a month includes

. Daily muck out 7am-7pm

. Fresh water

. Hay 3 times a day feeding

. Grain 2x daily

. Access to mineral licks and salt blocks

. Blanketing

. Daily health check

. Scheduling of vet and farrier not holding of

. Hst 67.50



​. Holding for apt- $10 Hst $1.50

. Medacation adminastration- $10 a day Hst $1.50

. Grooming/Ground work- $25/hr Hst $3.75

. Extra night in barn- $15 Hst $2.75

. Training Session- $35/session Hst $5.25

. Trucking too and from shows call for details


Extra services and Fee Schedual

Riding Lessons With Rachelle Or Lori

. one on one lesson $ 45 dollars a lesson

. Group Lesson $ 35 dollars a lesson

. Training Lesson $ 40 dollars a lesson

. Trial Lesson $ 30 dollars

. Grooming Lesson $ 25 dollars

. Braiding Lesson $ 20 Dollars

. Boots and Blanketing Lesson $ 15 dollars

. Main pulling Lesson $ 20 dollars a lesson

. Handling Lessons $ 25 dollars a lesson

. Cancled lesson without 24 hour notice is a $20 dollar charge

​. Tack up Lessons are available for $20 dollars a lesson

. Coaching for showes $ 100 dollars for the day

. All Students are to wear proper pants and shoes/boots for ridin no exceptions.

lesson will be cancled and still charged for and no make up lesson will rewarded..​

. All students are to be on time for lessons

. All students are required to wer proper helets at all times.

. If lessons are cancled for any reason make up lesson will be rewarded to the student. unless canceld because of student.

Outdoor Boarding Training Package

. $500 a month and includes

. Unlimited water

. Access to salt and mineral licks

. Run in shelter daiy

. 3 nights a month inside barn

. Grain 2x daily

. 4x a week training sessions

. Extra training sessions are $35 per extra session

. 3 x a day hay feedings

. Daily health check

. Blanketing

. Scheduling of vet and farrier

. Hst $ 60 dollars

Riding Lessons And Their Discounts

​1. family discount $ 5 dollars off if registered in lesson program on a full schedule

2. Friend of student starts riding $ 10 dollars off month

3. Helps with chores will take  money off lessons

4. works off lessons 2.5 hours work = 1 lesson paid



Week Riding Packages
​​group lessons 6 a month $270.00
group lesson 5 a month $225.00
Group lessons 4 a month $180.00
Group lesson 3 a month $ 135.00
Group lesson 2 a month $90.00
Trail Lesson 1/2 hour    $ 35.00
Trail lesson 1 hour        $45.00
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